Organization For Lazy Susan Cabinet: How To Maximize Space And Efficiency?

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Besides being an interior designer I also love to cook and my second job is to cook for my family, I understand the importance of having a well-organized kitchen. 

But when it comes to my Lazy Susan cabinet, I used to dread opening it up. It was a jumbled mess of pots, pans, and miscellaneous kitchen tools, and I never knew what I would find inside. That all changed when I discovered the power of organization for Lazy Susan cabinet

Not only did it make my kitchen look more put-together, but it also made cooking a more efficient and enjoyable experience. In this article, I’ll share with you the benefits of organizing your Lazy Susan cabinet, along with some practical tips and tricks for getting it done right.

What is a Lazy Susan cabinet?

A Lazy Susan cabinet is a type of cabinet that features rotating shelves or trays 360 degrees on a central axis that allows for easy access to items inside. The cabinet is typically installed in corners or other hard-to-reach areas of the kitchen, where traditional cabinets may not fit or be as convenient.

Why is it called a Lazy Susan cabinet?

The origins of the name “Lazy Susan” are unclear, but the most popular theory is that it was named after a servant named Susan who worked in the 18th century.

The original Lazy Susan was not a cabinet, but a revolving tray used for serving food. It is said to have been invented by Thomas Jefferson, who is known for his love of gadgets and inventions.

The Lazy Susan became popular in the United States in the 1930s, when it was used as a serving tray for appetizers and condiments. It wasn’t until the 1950s that the Lazy Susan was incorporated into kitchen cabinets. At the time, corner cabinets were a challenge to access and the rotating mechanism of the Lazy Susan was seen as a practical solution.

Despite the changes in design, the basic concept of the Lazy Susan remains the same – to provide easy access to items stored in hard-to-reach areas of the kitchen. Whether used for serving food or storing kitchen items, the Lazy Susan continues to be a popular and useful invention.

What is a Lazy Susan cabinet used for?

Over the years, the design of Lazy Susan cabinets has evolved to include a variety of materials, shapes, and sizes. Today, Lazy Susan cabinets are a common feature in modern kitchens and are used to store a wide range of kitchen items, including pots, pans, dishes, and food items.

A Lazy Susan cabinet is typically used in kitchens to maximize storage space and make it easier to access items. The rotating design of the cabinet allows for items to be stored in a circular pattern, making it easier to find and retrieve what you need without having to reach deep into the cabinet. This can be especially useful for storing small or awkwardly shaped items that might otherwise be difficult to access.

In addition to its practical benefits, a Lazy Susan cabinet can also improve the visual appeal of a kitchen by providing a streamlined and organized storage solution. It can also help improve kitchen hygiene by allowing you to easily clean the inside of the cabinet without having to remove all of the items stored within it.

Key Takeaways 

  • More efficient use of space
  • Easier access to items
  • Improved visual appeal
  • Better kitchen hygiene
  • Reduced stress and frustration

How to organize Lazy Susan cabinet?

Here is a guide based on my organization for Lazy Susan cabinet in your kitchen.

Step 1: Remove all items from the Lazy Susan cabinet

First things first, you need to clear out the cabinet completely. Take everything out and place it on a nearby counter or table. This will give you a fresh slate to work with and make it easier to see what you’re dealing with.

Step 2: Sort items by category

Next, sort the items you’ve taken out of the Lazy Susan by category. For example, group all your baking supplies together, all your canned goods together, all your spices together, and so on. This will help you see what you have and make it easier to decide how to organize everything in the cabinet.

Step 3: Purge and donate items

Before you start putting things back into the Lazy Susan, take a moment to purge any items you no longer use or need. This will help you declutter your kitchen and create more space. Consider donating any items that are still in good condition but you no longer use.

Step 4: Determine the best layout

Now that you have a better idea of what you’re dealing with, it’s time to decide how you want to organize the Lazy Susan. Consider how often you use each item, how much space you have, and what items need to be stored together.

Step 5: Use bins or baskets

Using bins or baskets can help you keep things organized and make it easier to access items in the Lazy Susan. Consider using clear bins or baskets so you can see what’s inside without having to take everything out.

Step 6: Label items

Labeling items can help you quickly find what you’re looking for and keep everything in its place. Consider using labels or a label maker to make things easy to find.

Step 7: Put items back in the cabinet

Now that you have a plan, it’s time to start putting items back into the Lazy Susan. Start with the largest items first and work your way down to the smallest. Place items you use frequently at the front of the cabinet, and items you use less often towards the back.

Step 8: Check and adjust as needed

Once everything is back in the cabinet, take a step back and assess the situation. Make sure everything is easy to access and adjust as needed. You may find that you need to make some tweaks as you start using the cabinet again.

There you have it, a step-by-step guide to organizing a Lazy Susan cabinet based on my own experience. I hope this helps!

Tips for maintaining an organized Lazy Susan cabinet

Regularly decluttering and reorganizing: Set a regular schedule to go through your Lazy Susan cabinet and declutter any items that are no longer needed or used. Then, reorganize the remaining items in a way that makes sense to you.

Labeling items for easy identification: Labeling your items can make it easier to find what you need and can help you quickly put items back in their proper place.

Storing frequently used items at eye level: Place frequently used items, such as spices or condiments, at eye level for easy access.

Grouping similar items together: Grouping similar items, such as baking supplies or canned goods, together can make it easier to find what you need and can prevent items from getting lost or forgotten.

Cleaning your cabinet regularly: Clean your Lazy Susan cabinet regularly to prevent dust and dirt from building up. Wipe down the shelves and items with a damp cloth and dry thoroughly.

Common mistakes to avoid when using Lazy Susan cabinet

Overcrowding your Lazy Susan cabinet: It can be tempting to fill every inch of space in the cabinet, but overcrowding can make it difficult to access items and can lead to disorganization. Avoid filling the cabinet to its maximum capacity and leave some space between items for easier access.

Ignoring the importance of labeling: It can be easy to forget what you have stored in your Lazy Susan cabinet, especially if items are out of sight. Labeling your items can help you quickly and easily find what you need without having to search through everything.

Using non-durable storage solutions: Using flimsy or non-durable storage solutions, such as plastic bags or cardboard boxes, can lead to items getting damaged or lost. Invest in quality storage solutions, such as bins, baskets, or containers, to ensure that your items are properly stored and protected.

Not utilizing the full height of your cabinet: The vertical space in your Lazy Susan cabinet can be valuable for storing taller items. Consider using tiered shelving or adjustable shelving to make the most of the available space.

10 ideas using the Lazy Susan cabinet

Makeup organizer: Use a Lazy Susan to organize your makeup collection. Place your makeup items on the rotating tray and easily access them as needed.

Craft supplies holder: Store your craft supplies like beads, buttons, and ribbons on a Lazy Susan for easy access and organization.

Pantry organizer: Use a Lazy Susan in your pantry to store items like canned goods, spices, and snacks. This will make it easier to find what you need without digging through the shelves.

Tool holder: Keep your tools organized on a Lazy Susan in your garage or workshop. This will make it easier to find the tool you need for your next project.

Office supplies holder: Organize your office supplies like pens, pencils, and paper clips on a Lazy Susan. This will make it easier to find what you need when you’re working.

Condiment holder: Use a Lazy Susan to store your condiments on your dining table. This will make it easy for everyone to access what they need during meals.

Bathroom organizer: Store your toiletries like shampoo, conditioner, and soap on a Lazy Susan in your bathroom. This will help you maximize space and keep everything organized.

Cleaning supplies holder: Store your cleaning supplies on a Lazy Susan under your sink. This will make it easy to access what you need when you’re cleaning your home.

TV remote holder: Use a Lazy Susan to keep all of your TV remotes in one place. This will help prevent them from getting lost or misplaced.

Snack holder: Keep your snacks organized on a Lazy Susan in your kitchen or living room. This will make it easy for everyone to access their favorite snacks.

What are the different types of Lazy Susan corner cabinets?

There are several types of Lazy Susan corner cabinets available, each with their own unique features and benefits. 

  • Full-Circle Lazy Susan: This is the most common type of Lazy Susan cabinet, featuring a rotating circular shelf that maximizes storage space in the corner of the cabinet. Full-circle Lazy Susans come in a variety of sizes and materials, such as wood, plastic, or metal.
  • Kidney-Shaped Lazy Susan: This type of Lazy Susan has a curved shape that is designed to fit into a corner with a diagonal cabinet. It provides more storage space than a full-circle Lazy Susan, but can be more difficult to install.
  • Pie-Cut Lazy Susan: This type of Lazy Susan features a pie-shaped shelf that rotates around a center pole, allowing you to access items from every angle. Pie-cut Lazy Susans are ideal for smaller kitchens, as they take up less space than a full-circle or kidney-shaped Lazy Susan.
  • Half-Moon Lazy Susan: This type of Lazy Susan is designed to fit into a cabinet with a straight edge, providing easy access to items in the corner of the cabinet. Half-moon Lazy Susans are often made from wood or metal and are available in various sizes.
  • D-Shaped Lazy Susan: This type of Lazy Susan is similar to the half-moon design, but with a flat back that allows it to be mounted directly against the cabinet wall. D-shaped Lazy Susans are ideal for narrow cabinets where a full-circle or kidney-shaped design may not fit.

Each type of Lazy Susan corner cabinet has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to choose the one that best suits your needs and kitchen layout.

How much are Lazy Susans?

The cost of a Lazy Susan can vary depending on factors such as size, material, and style.

On the lower end, a basic plastic Lazy Susan can cost around $10-$20. A wooden or bamboo Lazy Susan can cost anywhere from $20-$50 or more, depending on the size and design.

If you’re looking for a high-end Lazy Susan made from premium materials, such as marble or granite, you can expect to pay several hundred dollars or more.

Additionally, the cost of a Lazy Susan may also depend on where you purchase it from. You can find them at home goods stores, kitchen supply stores, and online retailers. Some kitchen cabinets even come with built-in Lazy Susans.

Overall, the cost of a Lazy Susan can vary widely, but there are options available for a range of budgets.


How to organize Lazy Susan corner cabinet with pots and pans?

  • Group similar items together: Sort your pots and pans by size and type, such as saucepans, frying pans, and Dutch ovens.
  • Use a stacking method: To maximize space, stack your pots and pans with the largest at the bottom and the smallest at the top.
  • Consider using pot and pan organizers: There are various pot and pan organizers available that can help keep your cookware in order. For example, you can use a vertical organizer that allows you to stack your pots and pans horizontally, or a tiered organizer that enables you to store your pots and pans on different levels.
  • Use adjustable dividers: Some Lazy Susan cabinets come with adjustable dividers that can be moved to fit your pots and pans. If your cabinet doesn’t have these, consider purchasing some to help keep your cookware in place.
  • Utilize the back of the cabinet: The back of the Lazy Susan cabinet can be a great place to store lids or other flat items. Consider using a lid holder or a wire rack to keep them in place.
  • Label your pots and pans: To make it easier to find what you need, label your pots and pans with their corresponding lids. This will save you time and hassle when you’re cooking.

How do you store Tupperware in a Lazy Susan?

  • Sort and declutter: Start by sorting through your Tupperware and decluttering any items that are damaged or missing lids. This will help you make the most of your Lazy Susan space.
  • Group similar items together: Group your Tupperware by size and type, such as small containers, large containers, and lids.
  • Use a stacking method: To maximize space, stack your Tupperware containers with the largest at the bottom and the smallest at the top. Make sure the lids are stacked separately.
  • Consider using organizers: You can use Tupperware organizers or dividers to keep your containers in place and prevent them from tipping over. These organizers can also help you make the most of the available space on your Lazy Susan.
  • Label your Tupperware: Label your Tupperware containers and lids with their corresponding sizes to make it easier to find what you need when you’re cooking.
  • Rotate your items: Every few weeks, take some time to rotate your Tupperware items to make sure that they’re all getting used regularly.

Can you add a shelf to a Lazy Susan?

Yes, you can add a shelf to a Lazy Susan. Adding an additional shelf can help you maximize the available storage space on your Lazy Susan and make it easier to organize your items.

Do you need to hire a professional to organize Lazy Susan cabinet?

No, you don’t necessarily need to hire a professional to organize your Lazy Susan cabinet. With a little planning and effort, you can do it yourself. Start by taking everything out of the cabinet and assessing what you have. Then, group similar items together and decide on the best way to arrange them on the Lazy Susan. Consider using organizing bins or baskets to keep small items contained and prevent them from falling over. You may also want to label items or shelves to make it easier to find what you need. 

How often should you clean and declutter Lazy Susan cabinet?

It’s a good idea to clean and declutter your Lazy Susan cabinet on a regular basis to keep it organized and functioning properly. How often you do this will depend on how frequently you use the items in the cabinet, but as a general rule, it’s a good idea to do a quick declutter and cleaning every few months.

Can you still store larger items in Lazy Susan cabinet after organizing it?

Yes, you can still store larger items in your Lazy Susan cabinet after organizing it. In fact, a well-organized Lazy Susan cabinet can often make it easier to store larger items because you’ll have more space and be able to access everything more easily.


If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the thought organization for Lazy Susan cabinet, I encourage you to take action and tackle it one step at a time. You’ll be amazed at how much easier it is to access your kitchen items and how much more functional your space will be once everything is organized. So roll up your sleeves, put on some music, and get to work – your organized Lazy Susan cabinet awaits!