How To Arrange Plants In Living Room? 10 Clever Ideas

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Having plants in your living room can instantly make it feel more inviting, homey and relaxing. Not only do they bring vibrant life to any space, but plants also help purify the air around you. But how do you arrange them? Here are 10 ideas how to arrange plants in living room that will give your space a stylish and cozy touch.

Choosing the right plants for your living room

Selecting the perfect plants for your living room can be a tricky task to handle. You must consider light requirements, space availability and maintenance requirements of the plants before picking them up. It is best to go for low-maintenance varieties like succulents and air plants that don’t require too much attention.

Adding more variety to your living room with indoor plants can create a more vibrant, relaxing and air-purifying atmosphere. When selecting the right plants for your living room, there are several factors to consider.

  • Decide what type of light is available in your space and choose plants accordingly. Low light plants such as Dracaena, Pothos or Zz plants are great options for low light spots in your home. For bright sunny areas of the living room, you can opt for Snake Plants and Jade Plants as they thrive in direct sunlight.
  • Consider the size of your space and how many plants you want to include. Adding too many large plants may make your living room feel cramped and overcrowded. A good rule of thumb is to select no more than four plants, but this depends on the size of your space as well as the types of plants you choose.
  • Think about maintenance requirements for each plant. Some species require weekly watering and pruning while others only need occasional TLC. Be sure to read up online or seek advice from a local garden center before selecting plants for your living room.
  • The ideal number of plants for a living room depends on the size of the space and the types of plants chosen. As a general rule, it is best to opt for no more than four plants in any living room. However, this may vary depending on the size and light conditions of the area. For larger spaces, more than four plants may be possible so long as they are placed strategically around the room.

Types of plants that are suitable for the living room

Here are some of the most popular plants, suitable for any living room:

Hanging Plants

Hanging plants add a unique, decorative touch to any living room and come in many varieties such as spider plants, pothos and English ivy. These plants look best when suspended from ceilings or shelves, depending on their size.

Tabletop Plants

Tabletop plants are great for small spaces, as they add a bit of greenery without taking up too much room. Popular selections include Peace Lilies, Ferns and Aloe Vera.

Large Plants

For larger living rooms, large plants such as Rubber Trees and Fiddle Leaf Figs can be the perfect addition. They can easily be tucked in a corner or placed against a wall to add some greenery and life to the space.

What are the best plants for a living room?

Dracaena: This low-maintenance houseplant is perfect for any living room as it does not require much light and can grow up to four feet tall.

Pothos: Another easy-care plant, pothos loves bright indirect sunlight and requires minimal watering.

Zz Plants: These plants are known for their ability to tolerate low light levels making them ideal for dark living rooms or bedrooms with minimal natural light sources

Snake Plant: If you have a sunny spot in your living room, snake plants will thrive in this kind of environment as they prefer bright direct sunlight throughout the day

Crassula ovata: Also referred to as jade plants, lucky plant, money plant or money tree, are one of the most popular houseplants that look amazing on shelves or end tables in the living room

Peace Lily: As one of the few flowering indoor plants, peace lily is also an air purifier which makes it an ideal selection for any home décor setting 

Ferns: Ferns are another great choice if you want to add some greenery into your space without taking up too much visual space; their leaves come in so many different shapes and sizes

Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera plants are loved for their medicinal properties, but they are also perfect to bring life into any living room due to its spiky texture and vibrant color

Rubber Tree: If you’re looking for a larger houseplant, consider the rubber tree. These plants can reach up to six feet tall and look beautiful when placed against a wall or in the corner of your living room

Fiddle Leaf Fig: This full and lush plant is perfect for larger living rooms as it will quickly become a statement piece, especially with its large glossy leaves that have a unique veining pattern.

How to arrange indoor plants in small living room?

Choose the right plants for your living room

Consider how much natural light your living room gets, how much maintenance you’re willing to do, and how big of a statement you want to make with your plants 

Place taller plants in the corners

This will create an interesting visual effect as well as provide a sense of balance throughout the space 

Hang shelves high up on walls

If you don’t have enough floor or table space for your plants, consider hanging shelves high up on walls 

Utilize window sills or ledges

Take advantage of any ledges or window sills that are in your living room by placing small potted plants there

Create groupings with different types and sizes of pots

You can group together different types and sizes of pots to give off a unique look while also adding texture to the space

Add colorful throw pillows featuring plant motifs

To add more color and vibrancy into your living room, try adding throw pillows featuring plant motifs such as leaves or flowers  

Use greenery as wall art

Hang some greenery from wall hooks for a unique and live ‘wall art’ addition to your living room 

Place multiple pots along staircases

If you have multiple floors in your home, consider placing potted plants along staircases for an interesting visual effect 

Hang macramé plant holders

To add a touch of whimsy and texture, hang macramé plant holders from your ceiling 

Place greenery on bookshelves

If you don’t want to make a huge commitment to house plants, place some greenery on bookshelves for a low-maintenance addition to your living room. 

Caring for indoor plants in the living room

Indoor plants are a great way to add life and vitality to any living room. Not only do they bring beauty into the space, but many houseplants also have air purifying capabilities that can help keep your home healthy and fresh.

However, if you want to maintain healthy houseplants in your living room, it’s important to understand how best to care for them.

From picking the right plants for your light levels and arranging them in an aesthetically pleasing manner, there is plenty of thought that must go into caring for indoor plants in the living room.

With this guide on caring for indoor plants in the living room, you will be able to find out all you need know about creating a vibrant greenery oasis within your own home.

Watering and fertilizing

Watering and fertilizing your houseplants is a crucial part of keeping them healthy, vibrant and alive. You should aim to water your plants as needed, usually every 1-2 weeks depending on the type of plant, amount of light, temperature and humidity.

In general, you should water your plants until the top few inches of soil has become moistened. Additionally, be sure to use fertilizer specifically designed for houseplants every few months to ensure they are getting the essential nutrients they need.

Cleaning and dusting

Cleaning and dusting indoor plants in the living room is important for a variety of reasons. Not only does clean foliage look aesthetically pleasing, but it also helps to maintain the health of the plant by allowing light and air to reach it more easily. 

Additionally, keeping your indoor plants dusted off can help reduce allergens in the air and help you breathe better.

Pruning and repotting

For larger plants, it’s important to prune them periodically to ensure they remain healthy and attractive. This involves removing any dead or damaged leaves as well as cutting back branches that have become too long. Additionally, repotting your plants every 1-2 years is important as it allows them to acquire the nutrients and space they need to thrive.

When repotting, make sure to use a potting mix specifically formulated for houseplants, as well as a container that has adequate drainage holes.

Caring for indoor plants in the living room can be a rewarding experience. To ensure that your plants stay healthy, there are a few things that need to be done each week. Here is an outline of what should be done on a weekly basis:

MondayCheck which plants need water and clean off dust from leaves
TuesdayPrune dead foliage and remove weeds from soil
WednesdayFertilize plants as needed and check for pests
ThursdayRepot any plants that have outgrown their current pot, rotate plants for equal light exposure
FridayCheck for signs of disease or pests and adjust lighting
SaturdayCheck for nutrient deficiencies and move container plants outdoors if suitable
SundaySpend extra time tending to plants and enjoy their beauty

Benefits of having plants in the living room

Having indoor plants in the living room has countless benefits. Not only do they look great and add life to any space, but they also help improve air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen back into the air

Indoor plants are beneficial for not only air quality, but also our overall wellbeing. Studies have shown that having plants in the living room can reduce stress and anxiety levels while boosting mood and productivity. The presence of plants has even been linked to improved memory retention and focus.

In addition to improving indoor air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide, plants also help to filter out dust and allergens in the air. By reducing these particles, indoor plants can help reduce the risk of certain respiratory illnesses like asthma.

Having plants in your living room help to create a more positive atmosphere by providing visual interest and calming vibes. Whether it’s a large potted plant, a flower bouquet, or several small succulents, plants can help make any living room feel more alive and inviting.


Feng shui how to arrange plants in living room?

When arranging plants in your living room, be sure to follow the principles of feng shui. Place taller plants near windows to bring the energy of nature into the home and place cascading plants like ivy near doorways to encourage positive energy flow. Avoid placing cacti or spiky succulents in the center of a room to prevent stagnant energy. Additionally, think about the colors of the plants you choose to ensure that they match with your home’s color palette.

How to arrange artificial plants in living room?

When arranging artificial plants in your living room, think about how the plants will be visible and accessible based on their height. Place larger plants in the center of the room surrounded by smaller potted plants or bouquets of flowers. Consider grouping plants together for a fuller look and create depth with various heights. Additionally, to bring more life to your space, combine artificial plants with real plants. This will help create a balance between the natural look of real plants and the vibrant colors of artificial ones.

Are living room plants bad for cats?

Not all living room plants are bad for cats, but some can be toxic if ingested. To make sure that your pet is safe, be sure to research any plants you plan on bringing into the home. Some common pet-friendly plants include spider plants and Boston ferns. Additionally, consider investing in artificial plants as a way to bring some green life into your living room without exposing your cat to potential toxins.

What indoor plants group look good together?

One great way to create an indoor plant group is with a collection of tropical plants. This could include a Philodendron, Monstera, and Calathea for an earthy, yet vibrant look. Or consider getting a terrarium with various succulents to bring some texture and variety. Additionally, a mix of bright flowers such as orchids and African violets can add pops of color to any living room space.

How do you make plants look less cluttered?

To make your plants appear more organized, use various surfaces to display them, like the flooring, plant stands and side tables. That way you can achieve a range of heights that will minimize messiness. If you have smaller plants in need of space-saving solutions, consider hanging them from wall hooks or ceiling hangers for an eye-catching look!


For the most part, plants are beneficial for our living rooms as they can reduce stress and improve indoor air quality. Not only can they make any room look more alive and inviting but they also help bring a sense of calmness by providing visual interest. By following some simple tips on how to arrange plants in living room, you can create a beautiful space that will benefit both you and your family. So start incorporating plants in your living room today!